Adam Ratzman

Here are just some of the things I've done.

Selected Projects

current projects

Spotify Kotlin Wrapper

A wrapper around the Spotify Web API, written in Kotlin

Categories: Kotlin, Kotlin multiplatform project (MPP), HTTP, API

This site. I'm currently working on updating it with useful interactive projects!

Categories: JavaScript, TypeScript, React, HTTP, CSS

past projects

AP Calculus Review Site

A comprehensive review site for calculus theorems, derivatives, and integrals

Categories: Handlebars, CSS, JavaScript, Kotlin, LaTEX

Project Euler Kotlin

Solutions to the first ~60 Project Euler problems, all implemented with Kotlin

Categories: Competitions, Kotlin


(Discontinued) An open-source, fast, stylish, and modern Discord game engine & administration tool

Categories: Discord, Website, Bot, Kotlin, JavaScript


A comprehensive review site for calculus theorems, derivatives, and integrals

Categories: Aggregator, API, Kotlin

Technical Skills

Languages and Markup:

Kotlin, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, C#, SQL, Python


MySQL, RethinkDB

Web Development:

HTML, CSS, React, Kotlin/JS, Blazor, Handlebars/Mustache.js, ASP.NET, Spring Boot

Development Tools:

Git, Gradle, Docker, Docker Compose, Kubernetes, Service Fabric

This website was created using TypeScript , React , and Chakra UI .

Adam Ratzman - © 2021
